
Our Department takes the helm of all cultural and literacy programs conducted in the campus. The union has a core committee and various subcommittees to take care of different kinds of activities. Each subcommittee consists of chairman and conveners.

Thansheetul Qurrah

To improve the qira'at of scholarly students Noorul Ulama formed wing Thansheetul Qurrah. It also implements various projects in the field of Quranic science

Rileef cell

It makes possible to provide assistance to economically backward Students of our Institution in emergency situations.


Media wing enriches the status of Noorul Ulama it provides training and coaching for Designing stream,moulds new ways in the feild of design and arts.

Al Muneer

Today, Al-Muneer is the source of knowledge that literate Muslims through its perfect Articulation.Al Muneer's writings are considered as a references in seminars and so on.

Al Munalara

It enables students to gain knowledge in the field of ideology of Ahlu Sunnah.Through this it is possible to mould excellent students by the intervention of eminent scholars in the ideal field.


Library wing plays vital role for enriching the multi-faceted resources and potentials of students in reading platform.It also takes leading role in the Increase of Reading Habits within to Provide Good Thinkers.


The Sahitya Samajam is a sub-committee that has contributed a group of talented speakers to Kerala and inter states.Samajam has been making specific interventions focusing on the areas of student's speech and writings.


The medical wing is the sub-wing which is making proper interventions in the health sector of the students.The medical wing focuses on providing the necessary care to every student especially to patients


60th Anniversary Annual Campaign

Being a first center of Islamic education in Kerala,Noorul Ulama has been functioning since 1964 as a Students Association of Jamia Nooriya Arabiya aiming to develop an innovative system of Islamic education capable at grooming a group of 'Ulama' who can spread the message of Islam throughout the world. Within that to promote propagators of Islam who would be talented in religious and modern teachings and could understand the new challenges that the religion has been facing and also to produce a new generation of Muslim scholars able to shoulder the responsibility of Islamic Da'wa in modern era. Noorul Ulama is in it's sixtieth anniversary with the contributions of Islamic heritage. Every step from Umm-ul-Madaaris to Ummah has the emotional touch of Noorul Ulama.

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The leaders of Campus who acquired, practiced and Propagated Islam and took efforts to centralize all pupils of campus for holistic empowerment of Ahlusunnah rooted in moral values and principles. They offers a opportunities for students of different walks instilled with skill and values to promote in society.

General Secretary

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